In the design of piles offshore, the foundation design guidelines allow the use of newer CPT-based design methods, but require that the designer ensure at least the same level of safety for these methods as for the older API design method.
More specifically, today's guidelines state that the designer select an "appropriate" safety factor when using the newer CPT-based design methods. To satisfy this requirement, one can choose to be conservative and apply a "high" safety factor, or one can document quantitatively the safety level associated with the design (for example, by calculating the annual probability of foundation failure) and "calibrate" the load and resistance safety factors such that the target safety level is achieved by the design.
To provide more clear guidelines on the partial safety factors to be used for the newer CPT-based pile design methods, a Joint-Industry Project (JIP) was initiated by NGI. The JIP aimed at both oil and gas installations and wind turbine foundations in the energy sector. The work was done in collaboration with University of Western Australia (UWA), and focused on four aspects of the design of piles for offshore installations:
- Clear guidelines on the resistance factor to use with the "newer" CPT-based methods.
- A consensus of the profession on
- the reliable pile model tests to be used for the evaluation and the calibration of the pile design methods and
- a web-based unified database of these high quality pile load tests - The method uncertainty for each axial pile capacity design approach.
- Recommendations to regulatory bodies on the selection of characteristic values, and partial safety factors for the design of offshore piles.
The research was divided into three work package:
- WP1 - Unified WEB Database
Consensus on a joint and unified database of reliable pile load tests to quantify the method uncertainties for each pile design method.
- WP2 - Calibration
Calibration of the resistance factors for achieving a target annual probability of failure with five different pile design methods.
- WP3 - Recommendations
Recommendations for the design of offshore piles to regulatory bodies, including the API, ISO/OGP, the German Piling Committee and Eurocode guidelines.