
RedWin 2 - REDucing cost of offshore WINd

The project "RedWin 2 – REDucing cost of offshore WINd by integrated structural and geotechnical design" is an IPN research project funded under the ENERGIX program of the Research Council of Norway. The primary objective of RedWin 2 is to advance and merge engineering tools and methods, enabling designers of offshore wind turbine foundations to apply recent research and development results in design practice. This shall be achieved by developing a streamlined design workflow for optimization relevant for developers and designers of Offshore Wind Farms, both in Norway and internationally.

Portrait of Harun Kursat Engin

Harun Kursat Engin

Senior Specialist Offshore Geotechnical Design
+47 483 14 308
Portrait of Nallathamby Sivasithamparam

Nallathamby Sivasithamparam

Senior Engineer Computational geomechanics
+47 406 94 933