The Hydrodynamics Laboratory group at the University of Oslo (UiO) is affiliated with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Mathematics.

From laboratory experiments where the generation of the tsunami after a potential slide from Åknes is modelled. On the left is shown the wave tank and a snapshot after the front of the slide has impacted the water (right).
The function of the Hydrodynamics Laboratory is to provide space, facilities, and equipment for physical, coastal, and ocean research. A partial list of equipment includes two water wave tanks (dimensions 25*1*0.5, length, height, and depth and 7.3*1*0.25).
Professor Geir Pedersen at the UiO Hydrodynamics Laboratory group is the main contact with ICG.
The Åkerneset project and the planning of future experiments for the possible La Palma failure are typical examples of project activities.

Sylfest Glimsdal
Senior Specialist Climate Adaptation and Hydrodynamics 909 72 669