
Numerical models

There are various approaches for modeling the tsunami source: e.g. rockslides, landslides, earthquakes, and asteroid impacts.

Published 21.06.2006 , last updated 21.06.2023

The following numerical models have been investigated and used:

  • GloBouss, the dispersive tsunami model for propagation, was developed at the University of Oslo (UiO), NGI, and ICG. The model may be initiated by slides and earthquakes. Documentation for this model can be found here.
  • Inundation modeling using NOAA's ComMIT/MOST.
  • For the combination of dispersive tsunami propagation and inundation modeling, we are using the output from GloBouss as input to ComMIT/MOST.

Inundation modeling at Hellesylt after a potential 54 Mm3 slide from Åknes has impacted the fjord. A snapshot of the wave after 300 s. Figure showing the domain for the ComMIT/MOST model.

Portrait of Sylfest Glimsdal

Sylfest Glimsdal

Senior Specialist Climate Adaptation and Hydrodynamics
+47 909 72 669