The e-proceedings of the 3rdJTC1 Workshop have been published and can be downloaded here:
Proceedings of the 3rdJTC1 Workshop.pdf
Thematic issue in Landslides
The Organising Committee will make a selection of the best abstracts and invite authors to provide a full manuscript to be published in a Thematic Issue of the journal Landslides. A total of 10 to 15 articles are envisioned for the Thematic Issue, which is expected to be published within one year after the workshop. Link to the Call for Thematic Issue papers here:
Landslides | Call for Thematic Issue Papers (springer.com)
On behalf of the Joint Technical Committee on Natural Slopes and Landslides (JTC1) of FedICGS[1], NGI organised the 3rd JTC1 Workshop on Impact of global changes on landslide hazard and risk. The workshop was held in Oslo, Norway on 7th – 10th June 2023.
The aim of the Workshop was to promote discussion among scientists, engineers, decision-makers and other stakeholders on whether we are capable of predicting and quantifying the expected changes in landslide hazard and risk and how we could implement the knowledge gained from academic research on landslide risk management into practice. The advanced topics in focus for the discussions included:
- Rock mass degradation and landslide initiation;
- Climate and anthropogenic impact on landslide risk in various geographic regions, including the Arctic;
- Prediction of landslide mobility and inundation, including landslides initiated at mine tailings storage facilities;
- Application of modern remote sensing technologies to landslide risk assessment;
- Landslide risk reduction strategies: risk mitigation, including early warning and nature-based solutions;
- Applications of new technologies like machine learning for landslide susceptibility and landslide hazard mapping.
The workshop consisted of two lecture days (8th and 9th June), and a half-day case study and NGI lab visit (10th June). The lecture days included five keynote lectures, five invited lectures, the 3rd Hutchinson Lecture as well as themed sessions.
Technical Programme of the 3rd JTC1 Workshop.pdf
[1] FediGS: Federation of international Geo-Engineering Societies is composed of ISSMGE: International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering; ISRM: International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering; IAEG: International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment; IGS: International Geosynthetics Society.
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