
Basics for data science in R using the tidyverse (Pilot course)

Are you interested in scientific computing but feel overwhelmed by the complexity? Join our 4-session course and learn how to program in R with the easy and accessible tidyverse. No prior experience is required!

Published 09.06.2024

We will lower the threshold to coding and get you going within minutes. You will have the opportunity to apply your new skills in many small examples and tasks during the course. Sound good? Then enroll in our course today and start your scientific data science journey now!

Instructor: Raoul Wolf

Duration & sessions: 16h course in 4x4h sessions

Content: R and tidyverse-style coding; data import and export with readr; visualizations with ggplot2; data manipulation with dplyr; data arrangement with tidyr; functional programming with purrr; data types and comparisons to base R functionalities.

Language: English

Required previous experience: None; general experience in coding is beneficial, but not a requirement.

Teaching mode: online via MS Teams

Course fee: 8410 NOK (Pilot course with 50% discount: 4210 NOK)

Min-/max. allowed participants: 6/14

Hardware & software requirements: Own personal computer / laptop with R and RStudio, and the tidyverse package collection installed (instructions for the installation will be provided in due time before the course); Microsoft Teams ready video conference equipment: microphone & camera

Dates: Pilot course: 21st Oct.22nd Oct. 23rd Oct. 24th Oct. (12:00-16:00)

Terms and conditions: NGI's course terms and conditions that apply are given during ticket purchase.



Portrait of Raoul Wolf

Raoul Wolf

Senior adviser Environmental technology
+47 46 353 185